Cox's Bazar was my first time going to a beach in a Muslim country, and you guessed it, everyone was fully clothed. Even in the water, everyone was fully clothed. We spent far too little time at the beach, but we were on a tight schedule. After the beach, we went to a restaurant where you pick a life fish from a tank and voila, lunch! I don't remember what kind of fish I had, but I think it might have been the best fish I've ever eaten in my entire life, and I've eaten a LOT of fish in my life.

The Cox's Bazar airport is about the size of my thumb but it get's the job done. We arrived back in Dhaka after an hour-ish flight. That night my dad and I had dinner at BBQ tonight, which had amazing kebabs. When we returned to the guest house, MRA was having a house party! Which meant that I was at a party with my dad! Bizzaro world. Earlier in the week my dad had discovered that there was a crazy disco light in the living room, which at the time was like "uhh...... okay" but now made complete sense. For the 20-ish minutes I hung out with MRA, his friends, and my dad I felt like a total fish out of water, but I held my own and then quietly Irish Goodbye'd my way into the bedroom to sleep.
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