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Friday, August 23, 2013

Two Paths

It's Friday which means Jummah again. We again were very graciously invited to chat and eat with the Ameer after prayers. Dad and I then went to have a second lunch at Nando's a Portuguese restaurant and probably the most modern place I've seen yet in BD.

The most memorable moment of the day was a scene in the streets. Stopped in traffic next to use was a baby-taxi, an open-air, three-wheeled motor vehicle. Sitting in the back of the taxi was a well-dressed family of three, the daughter being about six years old. A little boy about the same age was walking through the streets with his mom and sister begging for change. The family in the taxi gave him what was left of their bottle of coke which he took without any change in expression on his face. The juxtaposition of these two children, one inside the taxi and the other outside was very... real. Here they were, essentially the same child, and yet they have led and will lead two completely different lives based purely on into which family they were born.

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