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Monday, August 26, 2013

We Opposed Outsourcing of Jobs

I switched hotels today so that I could be in a more touristy area. My new hotel is overpriced and disgusting. They sent five different people to come look at my tv because it was broken. They finally moved me to a new room at 11pm. With ants. And a torn up carpet. At least the TV worked. Well, for some of the night.

I spent most of the day in my room because I'm not feeling well. I did go out to eat at a place called Arsalan and had some really good lamb korma. Korma is my favorite style of curry; it's really creamy, flavorful, and not spicy at all. I also discovered the Cheese Naan, which is everything it promises to be and it's life changing.

I forced myself to go out tonight because the thought of spending the entire day inside was more painful than actually going out while sick. This is definitely a touristy area. I only planned to go our for a few minutes but I ventured out longer than I originally anticipated. There were tons of street vendors selling all sorts of knockoff goods, but the most interesting thing I saw was this billboard:

If only they knew how ironic this is
I was making a zig-zag pattern through the streets away from the hotel and in my delirious state I thought ot myself "this is fine, when I'm ready to go back, I'll just turn around and keep turning right until I get back to the hotel." Which is definitely not how the world works because four rights later, I was back at the exact same spot where I started and not one step closer to home. I eventually found another hostel where the security guard put a man on the phone who spoke English and directed me back to my hotel.

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