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Sunday, August 18, 2013

Water Water Everywhere

You can't drink the water here. Well, I don't know about you, but I can't drink the water here. This has had a number of implications:

1. It turns out I hate brushing my teeth with bottled water. It's cumbersome and definitely feels less sanitary, though it's obviously more so than brushing with tap water.

2. I haven't shaved yet because I'm not sure how that water situation works. Which is fine, the scruff works for me, but eventually I'm going to have to figure it out. Or not, I mean, who am I trying to impress here, really?

3. It's not like bottled water is scarce, but still, I feel like it's a precious resource, so I've been cutting back on how much of it I drink. Consequently, I actually end up eating more than I normally would. That, combined with the fact that it's been too hot to exercise means my body is not happy with me right now. On top of that, muscle cramps in my legs are becoming more frequent.

4. It can sometimes lead to slightly awkward social situations. Case in point, last Friday when we were chatting with the Ameer at the mosque, he had some water brought out for us, in glasses. There was also a juice box, tea, and food brought for us and I happily consumed the rest of it, but left the water. Eventually the Ameer noticed that I hadn't touched the water and he told me that it's okay to drink, it came from a bottle. Sharp guy.

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