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Saturday, August 31, 2013

A Day to Relax. Finally.

I hung out with KB all day today and it was wonderful. This was the first day I spent not doing touristy things or traveling, but just... hanging out. I spent the day at her uncle's place, mostly updating my blog, doing a little India research, and relaxing. Tonight we went out with KB's friends in Delhi at a speakeasy. This place was such a scene. It's just like a speakeasy you'd find in San Francisco, modeled after the Prohibition-era speakeasys of the U.S. To get in, you had to locate the secret, unmarked door and enter a code in on the keypad. The decor on the walls was like a fake library, there were portraits of old-timey U.S. celebrities, and everyone was dressed up for going out. I'm beginning to see that India is an even more diverse place than I already thought.

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