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Monday, August 19, 2013

Today we had lunch with the brother of Muhammad Yunus. Some of you may know that Muhammad Yunus is sort of a hero of mine as he is the father of microfinance, a subject that is near and dear to my heart. Apparently not only is Muhammad Yunus a Nobel Prize Winner, but his family is also part of the upper crust of Bangladeshi society. This dude was awesome. He wore these very loud, red RayBan eyeglasses because... why not? He also recommended to me that I check out Myanmar while I'm here. Oh and by the way he owns a hot-air balloon company there. No big deal.

We spent the rest of the day in MRA's office where my dad and I had a lengthy and slightly infuriating conversation about ethics in Bangladesh. It turns out my dad and I have drastically different views on doing business in this country. I'll expand on my thoughts in a later post.

We ended the night with dinner at the Sonargon hotel, one of the nicest hotels in Bangladesh. I had a burger. It was a poor choice on my part, though I really should have seen that coming.

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