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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Leaving On a Slow Train

Howrah Bridge
I'm getting out of Kolkata. I've had more than enough of this city so I'm taking a 22-hour train to New Delhi. My dad suggested taking the train rather than flying so that I could see more of India. I treated myself to Arsalan again today; I had to go back because apparently they have the best biriana in Kolkata and I didn't get it last time. It was definitely really good.

I arrived at the train station 2.5 hours early because I couldn't wait to leave. After I got to the station, I went back outside and walked across Howrah Bridge, which has been recommended to me by my friend JM. I was wondering why she sent me to a bridge because it looked cool but not really tourist-worthy, but I realized she was actually sending me there to see the view FROM the bridge, not OF the bridge. There's my Golden Gate Bridge bias in action.
View from Howrah Bridge
The train station feels like a dirtier version of Grand Central Station in Manhattan. It's huge. There are way too many people. Everything is incredibly confusing. And it's hot. Really, really hot.

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