Howrah Bridge |
I'm getting out of Kolkata. I've had more than enough of this city so I'm taking a 22-hour train to New Delhi. My dad suggested taking the train rather than flying so that I could see more of India. I treated myself to Arsalan again today; I had to go back because apparently they have the best biriana in Kolkata and I didn't get it last time. It was definitely really good.
I arrived at the train station 2.5 hours early because I couldn't wait to leave. After I got to the station, I went back outside and walked across Howrah Bridge, which has been recommended to me by my friend JM. I was wondering why she sent me to a bridge because it looked cool but not really tourist-worthy, but I realized she was actually sending me there to see the view FROM the bridge, not OF the bridge. There's my Golden Gate Bridge bias in action.
View from Howrah Bridge |
The train station feels like a dirtier version of Grand Central Station in Manhattan. It's huge. There are way too many people. Everything is incredibly confusing. And it's hot. Really, really hot.
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