Life-size elephant. Life-size me. |
What is the guy on the left even holding? |
I spent my last day in Gurgaon mostly napping at KB's place. I didn't realize I was so tired but that nap was DElicious. I hadn't intended on staying another night, but KB's aunt said I
had to see this show called Zangoora, which was playing at a place called Kingdom of Dreams. I didn't really know what to expect when I got there, but it was definitely a sight to see. As I'm walking in, I see a girl taking a ride on a camel toward the entrance. There are these two HUGE elephant statues in front. There's a trampoline bounce (one of those ones you strap into and then jump really high) to the right. Three men are dressed in... either costume or local garb (it was kind of hard to tell at this place) playing instruments I've never heard. And I'm like "...what IS this place???" I go up to the ticket counter only to find out that my show was already sold out. So much for spending that whole day in Gurgaon so I could see the show...
Fake sky. Real magic. |
All was not lost. Kingdom of Dreams also houses the Culture Gully, which is an enclosed corridor of food places and stores. The food is supposed to be a cross-section of the whole country, with each place serving food from a different city or state of India. If you didn't know it, you could easily mistake the place for somewhere in Las Vegas. The ceiling is painted to look like the sky and the decor on the walls is totally over-the-top in a pretty impressive way.
It was more appetizing than this photo would lead you to believe. |
...WHAT?! |
I don't actually remember where I ate from, but I had some sort of lamb meatball dish. Pretty good. Too spicy and not enough naan to go with it, but pretty good. I ended the night with a selection of three desserts. Because, why not? You should never be shy about having dessert.
Puppets! Dancing puppets! |
There were people dressed in costume so you could take pictures with them. There were also shows going on. Like the inappropriately seductive puppet show and the what felt like Hawaiian dance show.
Self Driven Parking |
On my way out, I saw a sign saying "Self Driven Parking". And we thought we were ahead of the curve at Google with our self-driving car tests. India's already got PARKING LOTS for these things. Jokes, jokes.
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