This photo is from the website, so it looks particularly nice.
To be fair, it actually was a pretty nice place. |
For a multitude of reasons, I decided to leave this particular hostel and head to a different part of Goa. I found a place a few minutes south near Calangute Beach. When I arrived, my room smelled like smoke. As with most things in India, it's just a matter of finding the right person to fix your problem. The first two people I talked to were like "what? No it's fine, don't worry about it" but the third guy I talked to was the manager and he moved me to a new room right away. This place was actually pretty nice. It has a pool (which apparently never gets used at this time of year) in the courtyard. Oh, and a courtyard.
97:1 - the ratio of people outside the water vs. in it |
After getting settled, I walked down the road to Calangute Beach. I'm still kind of sick, so I wanted another relaxing day. I got down to the beach and there were a lot of fully-clothed Indian dudes and a handful of fully-clothed Indian ladies. I walked along the beach for about 45 minutes or so. I was only accosted to buy things about five times. Which is better than average. The weather wasn't ideal, which, again, my fault for coming here at this time of year. I walked down (technically up) to Baga Beach, which is connected to Calangute Beach. Once I reached the end, I found a spot to get some food and finally did what I planned on doing since I got to Goa: busted out the first book of Game of Thrones, which I bought waaaaay back in Bangladesh.
Yes, I read a book at a place called La Shack. In India. |
While I was reading/eating, there was a band of kids walking up and down the beach performing various circus tricks. I've seen kids all over the place, but something struck me as particularly sad about this scene. I think it was the security guard at one of the restaurants shooing them away, but even him showing them some compassion by letting them perform for a few seconds so they could collect some money from the Asian tourists at the next restaurant over before he shooed them away.
I've also decided to open my own tattoo
parlor. You're welcome, world. |
I saw a KFC on the way to the hostel so I decided to check it out. I wanted to explore a little more of the area on foot and was in the mood for some Western comfort, so this was perfect. The food was fine, but this KFC was actually really, really nice. I sat in a comfy, leather seat with Game of Thrones and read for a while before heading back. It started pouring rain on my way home. Of course. I spent the rest of the night relaxing back at my hostel. I'm really glad I came to this new place; I'm
much happier here than I was at the last one.
Go on to Goa Part 4:
This Doesn't Happen At Home
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