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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Goodbye, Koh Phi Phi!

I'm pretty convinced that Cipro is actually just magic in pill form. It almost makes me question the validity of science because it's unfathomable that science alone could transform me in just one day from the petri dish of death I was yesterday into a roughly 90% whole human again today. I don't really know what sorcery this is, but I for one welcome our new supernatural overlords because I feel SO much better today.

The plan was for FL, the random German girl from yesterday, to meet me back at my hostel at 8am. I got up too late to shower which... is going to be unfortunate for her spending the whole day with me. Sorry! I promise I'm basically always on point about showering at least once a day.

Right around 8am I saw FL walk up, and surprise of all surprises, she had BE (the Australian girl I randomly re-met a couple days ago) with her! I honestly thought there was a 0% chance I'd ever see her again, but here we were. Again. For the third time. So a la Wizard of Oz, the three of us set off down our own yellow brick road, which happened to be a beautiful Thai beach, on our way to see the wizard. Or, you know, whoever it is that lives in a monastery. I just assume it must be a wizard. And for the record, as we were walking down the beach, BE turned to me and very enthusiastically said in her wonderful Australian accent, "[R], you smell delicious!" I'll take it. Maybe I need to shower less often.

We made it out to the boat and took it back to the mainland. Goodbye, Koh Phi Phi! It's been real. Buddhist monastery, here we come!

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