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Monday, September 9, 2013

Goa: My Vacation From My Vacation Has Arrived!

Cool map, bro
I made it to the airport surprisingly hassle-free. I'm on my way to Goa, which is the premier vacation destination for Indians in India. I assume for other foreigners in India too, but who knows, really? As per usual in Asia, my bag was thoroughly searched. Multiple times on my way to the gate. While going through security, I met an awesome Israeli couple who was traveling with their one-year old baby and also headed to Goa on the same itinerary. Their baby was adorable, liked being read to, and had to be forced to eat. I don't have much experience with one-year-olds, but I assume this is pretty standard fare.

I had an excruciatingly long six-hour morning layover at the airport in New Delhi. All I could think the whole time was "I'm back in Delhi. For the third time. How did this happen?" But at least I had company. This couple was super friendly. They attempted to teach me some Hindi, Malayali (Malayalam is a language spoken in southern India), and Hebrew words. Most of which I immediately forgot. I do remember one though: "mirchi," which means "spicy" in... one of the Indian languages. This was also one of the few times I ever let myself fall asleep at the airport. The layover was long enough to actually get some sleep, plus I felt pretty comfortable with the idea that a) they weren't going to rob me and/or let me get robbed and b) they weren't going to let me miss my flight. It was a much needed nap. And indeed, we all made it on the flight with all of our belongings in tow.
I got yelled at by a security guard for taking this photo

One of the nice things about flying on airlines in Asia is that unlike most American airlines, they still feed you. A lot. You're entitled to your own opinion, but I don't think airline food is as bad as people make it out to be. A lot of effort goes into making those things delicious. It's not the food's fault that it's noisy, and you're cramped, and have to cut your chicken with a plastic knife that barely spreads butter so you can't truly enjoy the delectability of the food.

So my plane landed two hours early. Also not everyone was exiting the aircraft. (...airplane? Who calls it an aircraft, honestly?) I've had planes land early but this... was ridiculous. Something was up. I heard "Mumbai" thrown around occasionally and my first thought was "oh no, I got on the wrong plane" but as it turns out, we just made a stopover in Mumbai on our way. This is what happens when you don't speak the language and are half-asleep throughout the flight.

Another couple hours later, we made it to Goa. I parted ways with my new friends and found myself a cab to my hostel. Finally, the vacation from my vacation is here!

Go on to Goa Part 2: Do Not Pass Goa, Do Not Collect Good Times

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