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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Leaving Qadian

I woke up at 4:45am for morning prayers on my last day in Qadian. It was sad to be leaving. After prayers, I took another walk over to Bahishti Maqbara and spent about 20 minutes there before going back to the mosque again to say a few last prayers and take some last photos.

Everyone I met had been so welcoming and the last day was no exception. At 9am they asked me if I wanted breakfast. My cab hadn't arrived yet so I said yes. Breakfast was simple: eggs, toast, and jam. They asked me if I wanted tea, I said no, and they brought it anyway, as usual when I say no. I'm always glad to have the tea, it's a great way to finish the meal. All of my meals here have been pretty simple, which was actually nice. I think anything fancier would have felt out of place.

My cab driver was Ahmadi and spoke great English, which meant that unlike my cab ride here (which was in total silence), I learned a lot about Qadian on my way back to Amritsar.

I'm so glad I came here.

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