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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Goodbye, Phnom Penh!

I had originally planned on being in Phnom Penh for all five days of my time in Cambodia. But after a couple days here, I kind of feel like I've seen most of what there is to see, so I've decided to go to the other major city in Cambodia, Siem Reap.

I left the hostel pretty early this morning. I got back too late last night to pack my things up. So in the morning I one-by-one brought all of my belongings from the room into the lounge so that I wouldn't wake anyone up with all of the inevitable crunching and zipping. I had gotten like... two hours of sleep, so of course I was running late and not at all prepared to leave, so I just had to shove things into my bag.

I realized too late that I wasn't going to get to say goodbye to SR, which is really sad because she's awesome and we've had a lot of adventures together over the last couple of days! Such is the life of the hostel trekker. Perhaps I'll run into her again some day.

The tuk tuk arrived right on time to take me to the bus company's office, which was conveniently close by. I waited about 20 minutes inside of the office before the bus arrived. My bag is all loaded up and I'm off to Siem Reap! Peace out, Phnom Penh. It's been real.

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